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I suppose that the difference between the first ingredients brought by the ancient conquerors and the new ones added in the last years is that now we are importing cooking styles.

With the migration waves, we know new ingredients like yucca, curcuma or jengibre but the most interesting thing is that we are learning how to cook them.

Now, we are not only adding this food to our traditional recipes but also learning how to prepare sushi, curry or fajitas.

I think that cooking is an easy way to share cultures and learn about people that comes from other countries.
I am very lucky because some of my friends come from Italy, Colombia, Uruguay, Egypt, and France… and they are teaching me new recipes like hummus, falafel or bandeja paisa.

I love cooking and I like to visit any sort of shops where I can find kome (sushi rice) or Arabian and Indian groceries. I usually ask the owner for recipes and now I am able to prepare cuscus, Arabian tea, curry among others.

In fact, you can check it out visiting my cooking website: here

I hope you enjoy it, and of course, I expect that some of you contribute adding your own recipes!