el temps

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I would like to digress from the theme and I would like to create another one that has to do with food. Its name is Anorexia.

From my point of view, a continent like Europe, where the most part of population can easily eat and find healthy foods, we notice that every time are more nutritional problems as Anorexia or Bulimia.

In fact, nutritional problems are one of the ills of contemporary society. Long time ago, after the school, we used to eat at home. Nowadays, we ought to leave our children at school, without knowing if they are going to receive an appropriate feeding.

In spite of this, our children arrive to the adolescence, clearly defined of being more independents and with own ideas. However, these ideas use to come from TV, which use to show us how the beauties rules are. These prototypes are putting pressure on young people until some of them fall into a reversible disease.

In this world there are people fat or slim, so we have to accept the where we are. As conclusion, we can reaffirm about the need of a healthy feed. This will be the way to carry an equilibrate life.